Dvd收缩3.2 0.15免费下载


shrink 中文– Kyuos

DVD Shrink is a freeware DVD transcoder program for Microsoft Windows that uses a DVD ripper to back up DVD video.The final versions are (English) and (German); all other versions, such as DVD Shrink 2010, are illegitimate. DVD Shrink's purpose is, as its name implies, to reduce the amount of data stored on a DVD with minimal loss of quality, although some loss of quality is « Service Controller XP 2.2.61 · DVD Shrink · CPU ID 1.75 » Comment Rules & Etiquette - We welcome all comments from our readers, but any comment section requires some moderation. Some posts are auto-moderated to reduce spam, including links and swear words. 4 Aug 2004. Werbung . DVD Shrink ist der erste Schritt beim Erstellen von Sicherungskopien der eigenen DVDs. Wie Sie vielleicht wissen haben beschreibbare DVDs eine geringere Kapazität als originale DVDs, außerdem sind originale DVDs häufig kopiergeschützt. DVD Shrink is a free and easy to use DVD ripping and "shrinking" software to backup DVD discs. You can use this software in conjunction with any burning software, to make a backup copy of any DVD 4/2/2012 · DVD Shrink on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from disc utilities without restrictions. DVDShrink is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. DVD Shrink on 25 July 2006, reviewed by: Gimp. DVD Shrink works with Nero so it can Encode the dvd and automatically burn with the right option you choose.

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DVD 收缩是由用户开发和发布的免费软件CD/DVD 应用程序dvdshrink.org,有助于备份DVD 电影。该程序是非常简单的使用- 基本上所有用户需要做的是  DVD Shrink 3.2 萤幕截图. 开发者, DVD Shrink. 稳定版本. (2004年7月25日). 操作系统 · Microsoft Windows. 类型, DVD DVD Shrink是一个可以运行于Microsoft Windows作业系统且免费的DVD压缩及烧录软体。 曾经有一段时间,​在Google等搜寻引擎以及其提供的广告中,都常能够看到“免费下载DVD Shrink  DVD Shrink, 免费下载. DVD Shrink 4.3: DVDShrink 是到备份DVD 光盘的软件。​可以结合DVD 如果你已经拥有替代的刻录软件,并且愿意坚持它,然后你仍然可以使用DVD 收缩。 DVD Shrink 4.3 · DVD Shrink · DVD Shrink 3.2.​0.14. DVD收缩是一个可以运行在微软视窗操作系统和免费的DVD压缩和烧软件。 一段时间,在谷歌等搜索引擎以及作为其广告中,我们往往能够看到"免费下载的DVD​收缩2008年" DVD Shrink官方免费下载DVD Shrink PChome下载中心. Aug 3, 2007 — 台灣免費軟體下載網站- 精選優質免費軟體,提供免安裝軟體、中文版軟體下載。​AZO Freeware - Legal software website from Taiwan. Freeware 

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version reviewed: Dvd Shrink Publisher's Description. DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD disks. You can use this software in conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy of any DVD video disk. DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! Lade DVD Shrink für Windows kostenlos und ohne Viren von Uptodown herunter. Probiere die neueste Version von DVD Shrink 2004 für Windows aus

Dvd收缩3.2 0.15免费下载

DVD Shrink - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Wikipedia

4/2/2012 · DVD Shrink on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from disc utilities without restrictions. DVDShrink is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. DVD Shrink on 25 July 2006, reviewed by: Gimp. DVD Shrink works with Nero so it can Encode the dvd and automatically burn with the right option you choose. DVD Encryption Content Scramble System. Most DVDs are designed to prevent you from making copies. The first preventative measure is encryption. Commercial DVD titles are often encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to your hard drive, or if you manage to do so, being able to play the resulting files.

DVD Shrink on 25 July 2006, reviewed by: Gimp. DVD Shrink works with Nero so it can Encode the dvd and automatically burn with the right option you choose. DVD Encryption Content Scramble System. Most DVDs are designed to prevent you from making copies. The first preventative measure is encryption. Commercial DVD titles are often encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to your hard drive, or if you manage to … version reviewed: Dvd Shrink Publisher's Description. DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD disks. You can use this software in conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy of any DVD video disk. DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! Lade DVD Shrink für Windows kostenlos und ohne Viren von Uptodown herunter. Probiere die neueste Version von DVD Shrink 2004 für Windows aus mlcc技术交流_信息与通信_工程科技_专业资料 2485人阅读|141次下载. mlcc技术交流_信息与通信_工程科技_专业资料。全面介绍mlcc Foobar2000 是一个非常非常值得推荐的多媒体播放器!Foobar2000程序体积非常小巧,运行时只占有1.9M内存,5%左右的CPU资源,资源消费很小,界面朴素,没有Skin和其他多余的 QQ影音绿色版 腾讯良心软件QQ影音现已小幅更新至v3.9.936,这次Gif截图加入更多大小选择,另外修复两处程序崩溃!3.9版支持PC和手机文件共享,在手机上可以直接播放P

免费: dvdshrink 更新 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - DVDShrink 是到备份 DVD 光盘的软件。可以结合 DVD 刻录软件的您的选择,使用此软件,使任何 DVD 视频光盘的备份副本。DVDShrink 也会燃烧你备份的 DVD,如果你已经安装了最新版本的尼禄。 powerdvd 17破解版(极致蓝光影音) 中文免费版 PowerDVD多媒体影音播放器 已付费版 PowerDVD 16 16.0.1510.60 中文极致蓝光版 PowerDVD 15(蓝光视频播放器) 15.0.2623.58 中文版 PowerDVD14 豪华3d简体中文版 PowerDVD播放器 18.0.1415.62 极致蓝光版 Magic DVD Ripper 9中文汉化版 9 官方版. 大小: 548.00kb. 语言: 简体中文. 推荐理由: 无痕影视盒是一款完全免费的高清影视、视频、电视播放软件,集成高速播放引擎,边看边下,即点即播。一般缓冲30秒即可流畅观看,海量电影、电视剧集、动漫及综艺节目,每日更新。dvd、720p高清 1万能进销存财务一体管理软件 免费版; 2万能进出货软件 V免费版; 3LeaderTask 15.2.2; 4中控考勤管理系统 5.0; 5立刻云国际物流管理系统(L5货代系统); 6蚯蚓空调行业专用系统 网络版; 7奥菲森办公软件 1.1.83; 8足够ERP企业管理系统 5.06; 9大众ERP 2.3.4; 10房朋软件 3.9.8 下载 免费万能播放器 v6.7.6手机版 19m 18-06-09 编辑推荐: 免费万能播放器是一款非常不错的手机视频播放软件,免费万能播放器为你提供海量的影片资源,支持各种格式解码观看,无任何广告插件,操作简单轻松畅享极致视觉体.. 下载 可乐vip万能播放器 2.7m

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