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Plague Inc is a game of strategy of the most innovative in which you will have to create a lethal virus and extend it to all the parts of the world, so the humanity gets infected with it and you get the extinction of the human race. As if you were a member of the 12 Monkeys12 Monkeys Plague Inc Game Play Online Free Now. There are over seven billions of people living on our planet right now. That’s a lot, actually, that’s too many. You probably heard all those crazy stories about government-invented viruses secretly bred in underground labs and then let loose to silently kill the excess of human population. 8/10 (22 votes) - Download Plague Inc. Android Free. Destroy mankind by downloading Plague Inc., a strategy game for Android where you must create and spread a lethal virus and prevent its eradication. Plague Inc. is a unique strategy and simulation game since you will not have to build houses, Plague Inc. Mod is a Simulation Android Game . (com.miniclip.plagueinc) The latest official version has been installed on 50,000,000+ devices. On a five-point scale, the application received a rating of 8.9 out of 10, a total of 3328474 people voted. Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and Plague Inc. Android Cheats. Gamerevolution Thursday, January 29, 2015. Unlockables Unlocking new game types such as Virus, Fungus, up to Bioweapon 应用汇 介绍 应用汇. 应用汇,情怀与节操兼备的应用商店,精选安卓游戏应用下载资源,内容全面的安卓市场,别人没有的,我们也有! >全面、及时的应用资源,独立游戏、小众应用全收录! >覆盖广泛的找旧版,你想要的旧版本app全都有!
plague inc也就是瘟疫公司了,目前已经拥有多个语言版本在全球非常的火爆玩法独特挑战力十足,而这款修改后的破解版全部中文汉化去广告还拥有无限金币钻石,吾爱破解在对病毒属性也做了无限dna点数的修改可以说超级强大,赶紧离开启你的无限感染模式吧。 Plague Inc. es un juego de gran estrategia y gestión en el que nuestro objetivo será infectar a toda la humanidad con un virus mortal a partir de una muestra inculcada en el llamado paciente cero. Las opciones del juego, pues, se centrarán principalmente en torno a cómo queremos que evolucione nuestro virus, pudiendo elegir distintos patógenos y síntomas con los que afectar a la Plague Inc Android compatibility. The developers of Plague Inc Android have work really hard to make this awesome game compatible with as much Android devices as possible. Miniclip has done a good job of optimizing game performance and textures so it runs smoothly on any device and looks stunning thanks to HD graphics. Download Plague Inc APK Plague Inc. APK - Android App 1.9.1 Deutsch: Im Android-Spiel "Plague Inc." sollen Sie die Menschheit mit einem Killerkeim ausrotten. Nun steht die APK zum Download bereit. Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself. Brilliantly executed with innovative gameplay and built from the ground up for Plague Inc Android compatibility. The developers of Plague Inc Android have worked really hard to make this awesome game compatible with as many Android devices as possible. Miniclip has done a good job of optimizing game performance and textures so it runs smoothly on any device and looks stunning thanks to HD graphics.
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《plague inc》是一款非常新颖有趣的策略模拟经营类手机游戏。游戏以散播瘟疫毁灭世界为主要的玩法目的,玩家可以自己选择一种病原体进行感染,细菌、 同步推游戏提供瘟疫公司修改版iPhone版免费下载,瘟疫公司修改版 直接购买内购收费项目,如果会弹出ID输入框,点击取消即 Plague Inc (瘟疫公司):场景工坊.
「拇指玩」瘟疫公司(Plague Inc)安卓手机版游戏预告下载,一键安装!查看瘟疫公司的官网介绍、图片、瘟疫公司游戏攻略,与网友交流瘟疫公司玩法、技巧。 Android. 全球:2012年10月4日. Windows Phone. 全球:2015年5月13日 2013年2月,游戏的1.5版本正式推出,新增了Necroa病毒瘟疫模式。7 《瘟疫公司:物竞天择》(Plague Inc: Evolved)是《瘟疫公司》的翻版,为PC和主机开发。 在游戏发布两周内,此游戏是美国下载次数最多的iPhone和iPad免费游戏。 閱讀評論、比較客戶評分、查看截圖,並進一步瞭解「Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)」。下載「Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)」並在iPhone、iPad 和iPod touch 上盡享豐富功能。 完整的保存/載入遊戲功能○ 超過50個國家,上百種性狀和上千種世界事件等您去發掘。 ○ 完全支持成就係統和排行 iPod touch: 需要iOS 9.3 或以上版本。 語言.
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